Irina Kalmykova – Architecture of Frame

Irina Kalmykova – Architecture of Frame

Irina Kalmykova – Architecture of Frame
2 hrs | PDF | Video: 1080p

It often happens that the photographer knows Photoshop very well, but doesn’t understand how to improve a picture with this baggage of knowledge. He does not understand why it is here that is cut, namely, to darken or change color, why something needs to be muffled, and somewhere to add a shadow or light.

There is a second situation. The photographer is very weak in Photoshop, knows the simplest processing mechanisms (lighter / darker, warmer / colder, crop / add, stamp and a couple more tricks), but creates beautiful pictures.

And honestly, the second option is much more correct! Because in our profession the primary MEANING AND ART OF the frame, and Photoshop gets in our way only as a means of achieving this artistry. Photoshop itself doesn’t mean anything!

The point of studying Photoshop is that knowing it deeper and better, we will be able to quickly and more delicately achieve our goal – to make the picture more ARTISTIC and help us convey the meaning of the picture to the viewer.

Opening the photo for processing, we will certainly ask the FIRST questions: “What is my picture about?”, “How can I help the viewer see my idea?”

All these issues are decided by the ARCHITECTURE of the frame.

Let’s practice with you in this lesson to SEE the main thing in the picture, and then EDIT the picture in PS, taking into account our idea.

Someone will do it more quickly and deftly, knowing Photoshop, someone, although for a longer time, and in less dexterous ways, will still be able to take his picture much more ARTICULOUS too! The main thing is to learn to SEE the TASK, and then it’s up to experience and speed in Photoshop.

Language: Russian